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New Old Stuff

I’ve been battling with WordPress the past few weeks.  An update threw my site out of whack, so I had to switch themes, switch back, then I started messing around, just like I do when I look up any video on YouTube.  Everything is mostly in order now, and while …

Improve Your Writing by Watching TV

They’re always saying to us writers, “If you wanna get better, you gotta read, read, then read some more.” Reading isn’t the only way to become a better writer.  Sure, there’s practicing.  But what about becoming a better writer while doing something you love, like watching TV? Everyone has a …

Finish What You Started!

I haven’t done a post about writing in a long time, so let’s start with:  Finish what you started!   A few months ago, I had a folder filled with “stories in progress”, a rough draft for a novel, and a bunch of fresh ideas floating around my brain.  I’d …

The Office Band Returns with Junior Album

I took a serious approach to blogging when I first began.  But every now and then, I wanted to wind down from it all—writing, work, life in general.  So I started a fake band called The Office Band.  Did I ever mention that I love drumming?  Started doing it before …

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